From the Can Do Clan beneath the Sacred Peak to our Most Treasured Sangha who make this Most High Temple Of Wholeness so utterly fun, unique, powerful, and mysterious to the masses!

Halloween used to be my biggest partying night of Nights, so have a ton of fun out there...
just keep the Spirit of our Tribal Drum calling to you -
Don't be stupid to the rhythm of your Sacred Sense
and let Grandmother Moon call to you...
For all the Ghost Spirits...
May all Beings in all Realms
and let our Family Tribe chant...
Happy Halloween and THANK YOU
for choosing to Sweat Here Now,
coach 'scarecrow' ilg
photo 1: by Dara's husband of steve, Dewa, and Ananda
Heritage Square, Flagstaff
photo 2: this is classic. having never tasted refined sugar in her two years of life,
Dewa just vibed with her black balloon, red football, and was puzzled at the candies
being placed in her Elmo trick-or-treat handbag. not once did She even bother
about wanting any treat. meanwhile, we saw parents filling tiny kids strollers
full of M&M's...illnesses surge after Halloween because of the steep decline in
natural immunity as response to candy eating.
WF pushes nothing away...
just Practice c(om)mon sense and moderation.

Halloween used to be my biggest partying night of Nights, so have a ton of fun out there...
just keep the Spirit of our Tribal Drum calling to you -
Don't be stupid to the rhythm of your Sacred Sense
and let Grandmother Moon call to you...
For all the Ghost Spirits...
May all Beings in all Realms
and let our Family Tribe chant...
Happy Halloween and THANK YOU
for choosing to Sweat Here Now,
coach 'scarecrow' ilg
photo 1: by Dara's husband of steve, Dewa, and Ananda
Heritage Square, Flagstaff
photo 2: this is classic. having never tasted refined sugar in her two years of life,
Dewa just vibed with her black balloon, red football, and was puzzled at the candies
being placed in her Elmo trick-or-treat handbag. not once did She even bother
about wanting any treat. meanwhile, we saw parents filling tiny kids strollers
full of M&M's...illnesses surge after Halloween because of the steep decline in
natural immunity as response to candy eating.
WF pushes nothing away...
just Practice c(om)mon sense and moderation.