The metaphor i'm after here? There is no difference between the Temple of a Yoga Mat, or the Iron Temple of a Dumbbell. You can take that to the friggin' Bardo, baby.
Genuine Unity, genuine YOGA requires fitness ACROSS the body and mind spectrum! And if you can't grock this metaphor? You probably ain't from our Tribe of Multi-Disciplined Fitness Warriors Focused Upon Wholeness!
Who gives a poop if your Rajakapotasana is so limber and easy if you can't race up and down over mountain passes or climb beneath a heavy Squat Bar and experience the Iron Element pressuring every joint toward the womb of Mother Earth!?!? feeble ilg says, "Give me Wholeness in my Fitness or let me die in the attempt toward it!" photo from my old Zendo in Los Angeles, ilg archives.
"Greetings from Southern California, Coach!
Sign me up for your Iron Temple DVD and please waive Early Bird discount.
I did not want a discount, so I did not responded until now. But your honorable (and honored) DL post gave me the appropriate nudge.
I look forward to your newest DVD becoming available.
Dear Steve:
Just sign me up for it. Please donate my early bird savings.
Ai Imawa
Fit Kit
Of course, sign me up for Iron Temple DVD...
No discounts needed on the Ilg program..
Discounts on Ilg products do not reflect its value.
Best thoughts to you.
Precious Jeweled Sangha of Sweat and Stillness,Sign me up for your Iron Temple DVD and please waive Early Bird discount.
I did not want a discount, so I did not responded until now. But your honorable (and honored) DL post gave me the appropriate nudge.
I look forward to your newest DVD becoming available.
Dear Steve:
Just sign me up for it. Please donate my early bird savings.
Ai Imawa
Fit Kit
Of course, sign me up for Iron Temple DVD...
No discounts needed on the Ilg program..
Discounts on Ilg products do not reflect its value.
Best thoughts to you.
ilg just wants to bow as deep as my Padmasana allows to you all. i read my Students words which i quoted above. wow. you show such faithful devotion to the mission and message of WF by ordering the Early Bird Discount of my new DVD without even KNOWING THE PRICE! then, you encouraged me not to 'lesson the value of wholeness' by even offering a discount!
THAT is sheer nobility and faith during a Great Recession! YOU GUYS CRANK!!!
having been out on the Front Line of the Dharma Protection and Service through personal fitness for all these decades, has indeed, fatigued ilg. i've been pulling into the headwind for a long, long time. sometimes, even i question the absurdity of trying to make a living doing what it is that ilg attempts to Channel...so thank you.
yet, each day as i wade among your new and glorious input and inspiration shining like gems within my Inbox, ilg is once again inspired to pick up my Dharma Swords and start swinging, as lethally as i know, through the ocean of avidya which clouds Kali Yuga - particularly in the personal health and fitness battlefield.
...and do NOT feel poorly if you cannot afford the new DVD. our True Wealth shimmers endlessly within and shall Rise Above all suffering and fear as long as we keep our sadhana strong...together!
so, thank you. if all goes well, my new IRON TEMPLE TEACHINGS DVD will be available for shipping within a couple of weeks! i'll let you know as soon as possible.
now...for another week of DL Dharma, baby!
keep the Faith, keep swingin' your own Wisdom Sword and May All Of You Sever Whatever Negative Tendencies, Addictions, and Lazy Habits abound within your own Karmic BattleDance...
ilg loves Thee