Thursday, October 1, 2009

"HP YOGA makes me a more complete athlete -- a whole athlete." 3 Student Reports from the Podium

Dear Coach,
I have to say:
HP Yoga® is the missing piece of the puzzle!
It makes me a more complete athlete -- a whole athlete. It taught me to tune out the noise of the competitive subculture and listen to the inner vibration. It made the role of "athlete" make sense on a deeper, more spiritual level. Suddenly it wasn't something I did because other people thought I had "talent", or to get my name higher on the list. It was to connect, reconnect, and reconnect once again.... thank you for that too.

Love and sweat,
pro MTB'r


greetings from Warrior Leaf. I hope that you I can be 1 of the few to receive your new Iron Temple DVD!

I did take part in the 10k race at the Flagstaff Nordic Center over the weekend. It was another difficult run with loose trails composed of rocks, branches, needles and wildlife. After the initial steep incline the mountain clan began to separate from the low-land clan. It did seem that by mile 2 that I was alone and the only runner that I could notice was a Hopi brother 10 secs. ahead.

As each ego-weakening moment came up I managed to recite the mantra - "bring more wind, as long as their is wind, there will be life". It proved quite effective in slaying this warrior's ego, yet, I was fortunate enough to receive a boost from the Great Spirit and it came in the form of the Deer-Beings.

It was about mile 3, no one near, only ahead, I heard some branches breaking and hooves thundering. 2 does and 1 buck came flying from the west towards the east right across the trail. Within seconds 3 more bucks came following at full throttle. It was nearly a t-bone collision, yet, they proved more swifter. As soon as they crossed my trail I hammered down all I could and that's when I knew that I was extremely close, I could smell their scent.

That old familiar scent of drum-hides and medicine pouches in ceremonies. It was an inspirational inhalant - a scent more organic than any all-natural, aloe-injected, lotion knock-off. It instantly and momentarily put be back in a tee-pee ceremony, somewhere in my early years.

So along with the scent of buckskin and near collision with the deer strength I managed to glide across the finish in honor of all four-leggeds.

- Warrior Leaf



Saturday I rode the 80 mile, "Pines to Mines" MTB Race
in a good state of breathing and posture. The heat
was tough on the climb from the Verde to Jerome
(about 100 degs), but I worked it out with the
breath. It was a survival ride for many. This yoga ride got me there in 7 hours, but it only seemed like a couple. It wasn't my intent to "race," I just rode
in my ju-ju zone and ended up being the first lady
rider. I didn't come to Prop class in worries of
being too tired and too sore, but I'll be there with
heavy legs and all Tuesday. Actually, I feel fine
after my salt soak.

Thanks for all you do
in serving others while being a great role model!

See you in the Cave.

