what he calls his, "Domestication of a wild warrior," during
a camping trip last week. beautiful photos from:
Clear Creek Campground, Arizona
Jerome, Arizona.
a couple of excerpts:

If we wish our children to have much,
we must show them how to enjoy having little.
Deny children the dirt and wetness of Mother Earth,
and we teach separateness from the start.
Treat our children with an agenda set upon nothing
save for that which they themselves set
and each thing becomes a natural teaching in the Tao.

bent, as if in humble prayer,
Ananda stands in a wet place
among the unhurried current,
living now in a world of expression and faith
for her child
who must learn to swim in this world of
The new mother wonders,
why her own mommy never went into the woods with her...
to have her touch the altar of dirt, grass, wood, and stone.
Above their splashing,
an Oriole sings to the tasks we all must face.

Oh Lord,
in these cloudless skies above Jerome,
let my own longing for enlightened life in all Her unified strands
stand as Teacher for my daughter...
let the domestication of my wild warrior nature
take flight even as does Eagle Brother soar
and may my actions be brave and kind and pure
as the Rose
or the Bristlecone above timberline.
so much more...
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