As i start packing my back and bikes for the IRON HORSE BICYCLE RACE this weekend, you better believe the first
bag i pack is the one with my Secret Herbs and MAP
Amino Acids. Why? Priorities, that's why!
if you are not in my SUNRIDER Herb Downline, than you have just been emailed a missive that details which SUNRIDER Herb i used to lose fat at 7% bodyfat to start without losing muscle strength and endurance for racing events like Iron Horse...c'mon, get on the Secret Herbs of Wholistic Fitness® today and get feeling world class!
above photo by www.WayneWilliams.com
The nature of the Outer World speaks often through spiritual
ignorance caused by timidity of intensity within self-cultivation.
Many people will just say whatever comes into their chaotic
minds and produce cheap products and services as their desire for fulfillment of high ambition rises again and again in the form of discontent.
The well-taught yogi, whose Practice is steady, whose body is
fed wholesome, powerful, and pure foods tends to talk less which
increases one's power. High ambition is grounded by realization
of what truly matters; inner peace and contentment with what Is.
There is no action in the Outer World which is not criticized.
Wholeness, therefore, pivots upon an individuals training. And that
training, most noble warrior, always and endlessly begins with
what we feed our cells; the quality of our physical and spiritual
nutrition dictates the rising subtleness of our mind.
Much work needs to be done.
Yet, few come forward.
Fewer still, follow through.