"On the withered tree,
a flower blooms."
- DT Suzuki
As we continue - at our own Level and Willingness - our Journey toward Wholeness, there is nothing that we won't face. Among the dizzying depths of years of strength training, cardio training, yoga, meditation, mastery of food, and of course the constant in-our-face Lifestyle Principles which constitute our 9-Limbed Path of Wholeness (Navanada Yoga or Wholistic Fitness®), each of our human qualities will arise. More troublesome than the stiffest of knots, within our cellular bodies are energy cysts filled with stunningly potent gumption gathered from eons of us forgetting who we truly are. Don't take feeble ilg's word for it; just do a hip opener for 8 minutes. or go for a long, hilly run in the high wind. sit still for 40 minutes without flinching. Quit gossiping. Brush your teeth with your Non-Dominant Hand while in yogi squat...do any of these WF yogas and just watch the emotional parade begin; Jealously arrives. Boredom. Annoyance. Skepticism. Doubt. Fear. Anger. It's all in us. In buckets, usually. As we do the Practice and learn to run or pose or lift ourselves through our inner storming qualities, transformation happens. Slowly.
The sourcing of our human suffering comes from clinging. Attachment, the Buddha and Yogi Christ would say. We hang onto our perceived problems; the mortgage, the illness, the injury, the self-pity of resentment within our relationships. That's our 'stuff.' That's our Drama.
Through Wholistic Fitness which has a renown capacity for turning our workouts within, we will eventually arrive at a juncture in our Practice: one fork leads to another less steep, less direct Path of Transformation. we say "adios" to that quirky coach ilg and his Path, his books, his blogs...and that's okay. nothing inherently 'wrong' about hitting the Delete button on a particular Path. yet, in some other time, form, and/or way; you will still run smack up against the very Resistance(s) from which you thought you left.
The other fork? That's right, the other fork in our WF Path leads us right into the heart and heat of our Drama until we get clobbered over our thick skulls that we've been staring at the Truth for a long while:
Our Drama is also our Dharma.
Upon this glorious gift of Insight, our breathing deepens and we begin to feel the immense divinity and sacred joy that makes us quiver with excitement toward our life and our death: as our Breath deepens into our multi-discplined Path, we realize that there is NOTHING we cannot consume as kindling for our unique Awakening and Enlightenment.
Recognizing The Kleshas - turning our Workouts within
"In the process of Awakening, there is only one challenge and one victory: the challenge is to Real-ize we've forgotten our Highest Self; the victory comes when we re-identify with our Atman...our Soul Force."
- coach ilg
Each of us confronts the Science of our Human Suffering according to our etheric gearing...our karma. Here is where we find the Kleshas or the 'afflictions' which keep us mired in forgetfulness of our Divine Self.
until we can meet and gather again like this,
and do this Inner Work...
may your Daily Sweat be purely motivated for Higher Ascension,
and may your Daily Stillness be Ascending toward divine motivation...
your faithful friendly warrior along the Inner Workout Way
photo by Ananda; coach belays a student at Vertical Relief