Sometimes when we see too much truth about ourselves suddenly mirrored in front of us by the teacher or the teachings, it is simply too difficult to face, too terrifying to recognize, too painful to accept as the reality about ourselves. We deny and reject it, in an absurd and desperate attempt to defend ourselves fromourselves,from the truth of who we really are. And when there are things too powerful or too difficult to accept about ourselves, we project them onto the world around us, usually onto those who help us and love us the most—our teacher, the teachings, our parent, or our closest friend.
- Sogyal Rinpoche
Each month i have students quit.
Oh the rationalizations come easy as their feet pad away from the Humble Temple Doors
- the same ones which they nearly pounded down with enthusiasm for spiritually-potent fitness training just a short while earlier.
As i bow to these Awakening Ones,
i know in my heart that the WF path has transformed who they once thought they were,
how they worked out,
most of all;
how they work within.
What can a Teacher do
besides listen
to their footfalls...
ilg gives so much
tries so hard...
it is the fatigue of waving go(o)d-bye
which hurts more than the economic woes
of trying to do what ilg does
in this Kali Yuga...
the student and teacher,
the devotee and her path,
the river and the ocean,
devotion and knowledge,
actions and thoughts...
all are interrelated.
just as the student must surrender to the silence of the Teacher,
so too,
must the Teacher surrender everything to his students.
until the "I-ness" dissolves,
there is much work to do.
barbells to be lifted,
miles to sweat,
poses to absorbed into the breath,
aching backs and legs in meditation overcome,
food intake to be mastered,
purity of loving speech and Appropriate Action to attain...
Samadhi is not a matter for hurry.
yet most who come to me for study of wholeness
want things fast.
too fast for transformation to be genuine.
here ilg sits,
no time for self-pity;
no time to wonder what it will take to
attain a Higher Level of Teaching for
Students so they don't Take Leave so easily...
here is what it is time for ilg to do:
go Teach another killer beautiful PROP WORKOUT
with my local HP Yoga sangha,
then, clamber into Bala with my clan
and off to the bike races in Durango...
the first time as a family warrior...
ilg feels more
like a
wearior...than a warrior.
likes and dislikes
exist in my state of awareness,
they have no lasting effect
i'll do my best to update during the weekend,
ilg is a rookie at this Family Warrior stuff,
and since it's taking three times as longer to
do everything to prepare to leave,
i might not be able to update DL until Tuesday.
most Precious and Treasured Warriors of Wholeness,
please know without your support,
the WF Path will become but a ripple dissolving
instead of expanding...
i have an opening for a new Online Student in June.
please apply here;
WF Training Application
no Initiation Fee if you state on the Application
you read about this Opening here...
until we meet again:
"Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid."
- John*
Dare yourself to be brave in your workouts and your work-withins
this weekend...your humble will certainly be doing his best
to be at least a passable example of a yogi for thee...
Om Mani Padme Hung,
your feeble teacher
* (perhaps the most advanced and devoted of Yogi Jesus's students)