Tuesday, May 5, 2009

KLESHA CONCLUSION - A WF Way Through Our Afflictions

Taking a Squirrel incarnation could mean that we 'hoarded' and 'gathered' too many possessions in this or another lifetime. The compulsion to 'attain and hoard from others,' is one example of a kleshic tendency of which all Conscious Fitness Warriors, intend on Wholeness, must be watchful. i grabbed this shot yesterday as "Bert" one of our local long-eared Abert Squirrels assumed a great spot atop "Shahky's" Sahasrara Chakra.

NOTE: my "3-Chi Clan" will be taking a few days away from Temple Service as we camp and explore some (warmer and more riparian) terrain in the Verde Valley. i'll also be desperately seeking miles on my road bike as i attempt to gain some adequate fitness for the IRONHORSE 3-DAY Stage Race coming up waaaay too fast on May 23rd-25th. Enjoy the DL Archives and the WF SanghaLounge and Blessed Be Thy Practices...


"...by nourishing our minds and spirit through a focused life built upon Loving and Focused Fun, the essence of our life becomes fluid. we feel ourselves as a river of endless energy, to which the toxicity of death grows dilute. We are all born Divine and within us the Atman dwells in the changeless, all-pervading transcendent reality of Brahman...the supreme essence from which all creative derives. Ramakrishna reMinds us that, "Only the Divine can worship the Divine." so too, only a heart that has been opened can live a heart-based life. many of us are living a chakral experience as we journey through a WF Lifestyle, a lifestyle that cannot help but open our Hearts. Fears are replaced by Love, Compassion, Understanding, and For-giving. where once we did sports and kept healthy out of Fear of not being approved or Fear of being fat, we now workout for what matters within. we've learned to turn up heat of the Sweatlodge not from heating rocks, rather, from heating up our Fears...getting out there in the wind and cold to run or ride...doing what it takes to sit and focus our minds...learning yoga-asanas that open our Heartspace be it through backbends, hip openers, inversions, or twists...whatever it is takes to become Whole; we learn to say, "yes, sign me up for i am WF Yogi; seeker of Wholeness, no longer a subject of fear."
-coach ilg

until we can meet and gather again like this,
and do this Inner Work...
may your Daily Sweat be purely motivated for Higher Ascension,
and may your Daily Stillness be Ascending toward divine motivation...

your faithful friendly warrior along the Inner Workout Way