oh Treasured Mighty Limbed Seeker of Union,
abbaji knows he was supposed to Teach you Part II of the Kleshas this morning,
and that was my plan for this morning's Dharma sermon...
of course,
Way lead to Way
and the stars slithered away
revealing a more important m(om)ent;
ilg gives you a poem
courtesy of Brahman
disguised as one beautiful Dark-eyed Junco
clear against the early morning hue...

on mornings like this one
i'll sometimes sit upon the fluffy couch
Sunday paper - strewn yet unread -
near my lap
for ilg's priority has shifted toward a far more common one;
gazing at the massive mountain view
spilled and howling
as if on a theatre screen outside the Temple window.
the paper, with its boisterous clamor trumpeting
the Outer Worldly comings and goings
holds so little interest
when compared to the smell of humidity still
dancing in my sinuses from pre-dawn chores.
so the paper sits, ignored
as i train the binoculars upon a
Dark-eyed Junco
perched elegantly atop the Utah Juniper
singly so sweetly to the pea green, growing grasses
as if to urge Grandfather Sun to hasten his noble arc
into blossoming sky.
not until my neck muscles nearly cramp
does ilg resort from such morning reverie
the window
inside my soul.
- abbaji
photo of Junco Being: http://www.pbase.com