Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy, Wholistic Mothers Day

click on pic to enlarge...
Amma Kilpatrick, Dewachen and Buddha in Sedona two days ago after our
camping trip in the Verde Valley. photo by abba

"We've all been mothers countless lifetimes."
- Buddha

From the "Can Do Clan" we wish to send Laughter, Love, Light, and invincible Shiva-like strength and endurance and patience to ALL Mothers on ALL Realms!

like i've always said, "There's a whole lot of OM in 'MOM'!"

we are just back from Dewa's first camping/cycling trip in the Verde Valley...stay tuned for some heart-and-soul lifting photos and journal notes coming up only for

DL Subscribers!

Rock On, M(om)s!

head bowed in awe of all ammas everywhere,

coach ilg