Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back beneath Doko oosliid and...A WF TEST CHALLENGE; win a prize

"i think over again my adventures,
my fears,
those small ones that seemed so big,
for all of the vital things i had to get and reach,
any yet there is only one great thing;
to live and see the great day that dawns
and the light the fills the world."
- Innuit, 1928

Namaste Noble Ones,
Ananda and i are back beneath the Sacred Peak of Doko oosliid.

i have some powerful Spirit Medicine for you from our travels into Hopi and Navajo land.

First, however, a WF Word Choice Challenge and a prize for the Warrior with the fastest response time;

in my Easter DL Essay, the one i wrote from the banks of the Rio Grande, contained a number of planted Misspells. The first Warrior to correctly pick out and tell me the exact number earns a prize from the WF Temple.

may your Awareness serve you well...

ready, set, JAO!!!!!!

head bowed,
the mountain yogi

ps; the above BEAUTIFUL quote was sumbitted to WF Temple H(om)equarters in a very mindful, elegant, handwritten form by 2x National Snowshoe Champion, Laurie Lambert. A deep bow to my Spiritual Sister over in New Mexico, and THANK YOU for your heart-filled package! Ananda and i were both crying like babies over the pregancy gifts, words, and utter beauty of your friendship. thank you, thank you, thank you...

ps2; and thank YOU, Noble DL Sangha, for all the words of gratitude for my Easter DL Essay. guess that one is going into the Most Popular DL vault! it is my honor to write in Service of the Divine for all of you who care about keeping the Spirit mixed into our Daily Sweat.

photo; at our Nation's TRUE Capital City; do YOU know where?

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to DL so YOU can win the PRIZE while absorbing the most potent Transpersonal Fitness Medicine on the Planet!