I found this brilliant, incisive, simple:
"I had many work plans for today.
Then the day dawned."
{coach ilg in DL last week}
From time to time I am reminded of something called the Eee Gad workout. I have an Outdoor Athlete's Training Journal showing I did it a couple of times in October 95. Notes from my first experience with it suggest the leg intensive portion of it was "unpleasant", which I take to mean difficult. I didn't save my Master Sheet for some reason, and could not find it detailed in Total Body Transformation ... would you please remind me? I'd like to revisit it at some point as I am sure some of what we do now came from it (jumping squats, tuck jumps, static hold in squat position, heavy front squats). The more things change, plus c'est la meme chose.

Most Noble Mark!
thank you for writing and EEE-Gad is as powerful as ever with dozens of WF Warriors the world over cranking out that bad boy of the Iron Temple each day! You can find EEE-Gad in THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE or THE WINTER ATHLETE or, for your utter convenience and support of the humble Temple, there is a handout of this tremendous routine in the Pay Per PDF section of the WF Tribal Catalog...just scroll down toward the bottom:
EEE-GAD! Workout!
Enjoy the Sweat and LIVE THE WF CHI!!!!!!
i bow to your Metta and Devotion to keep Rising Higher!
coach ilg
photo 1; enduring the Bardo of Two Bench Triceps, one of the ending movements in the formidable yet fun; EEE-GAD Workout.
photo 2; "It ain't enough to be agile and supple, Oh Noble Yogis, you also gotta be STRONG!" Cranking some 'pulls' nowhere NEAR those damned Gravitron machines! At one point during my rock climbing era, i did 62 consecutive pull ups. Pat Adams beat me by 8 reps...oh well.
photos by Wayne Williams as they appear in TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION