"The Path narrows."
this succinct observation from the Ancient Masters has long fueled my own spiritual quest as the Inner and Outer Terrain became more inhospitable to those who do not Practice, who do not "stand under" themselves enough to realize, "Hey, my Teacher(s) can only lead me so far...it is i alone who must walk my own Journey." and so i, like you, continue to walk upstream, up the Steep and Direct Path, one foot in front of the other be it a cold step, a wet step, a tired step, a doubting step, a frightening step...one step at a breath, you and i keep walking the Go(o)d Road.
below i respond to a young Warrior who has been touched by TBT...
i will continue the Sweat and Sutra Teaching in a moment...
Coach Ilg,
Thank you so much for...everything. I recently finished the Green Tara
program and more than anything, it has really made me aware of the person I
really am and what I want to be in the future. Throughout the plan, there were
several times I wanted to write you; in fact, each time I felt enlightened there
was an urge to compose a novel of gratitude. Instead, I am writing to you to
let you know that the path so far has worked for me too. I simply confirmed
what you knew was going to happen. With this weeks rest to focus on school, I
will be ready to tackle Cosmic Yang in addition to becoming the person I always
hoped I would be. Namaste!
PS: coach, I was wondering if you knew any other wf warriors that go to the UoA,
b/c it would be great to have a workout partner. I frequently try to convince
my friends to try some of these exercises with me, but none of them will have
any part of it. I guess when the student is ready, the teacher will be there
Most Noble Young Warrior Of The Inner Light,
i bow to your HeartSpace which Feels the Unseen behind my feeble words.
though i do not know specifically of any WF Warriors attending UofA,
i Trust that the Sacred Hoop will hook you up with those that are Appropriate to your Ascent.
i know all too well how few genuine open-minded, strong limbed and lung'd Warriors there are out there these dark days.
the Masters warned the aspirant who continues to Climb Upward, Onward, and endlessly Inward;
"The Path narrows."
May your studies - both academic and spiritual - be Blessed with the WF Dharma Light
and may your Practice remain strong and sincere throughout the headwinds of life...
i give you this Gift of a spontaneous Haiku inspired by your letter to me:
head bowed into wind (5)
one foot after the other (7)
such pain! such delight! (5)
namaste my Brother Warrior and thank you for picking up the quill,
you are why Warriors like myself write books...

in the shadow of your Radiance,
coach ilg