Dearest Brother of the Path ~
Regarding your
Your ways work.
I know.
Given my life work (a wood-worker/artist), you would think I'd have developed carpal / wrist problems by now. Nope!
Everyone around me is sick (or a cripple), dieing or dead. As far as feeling good by (the WF Active Meditation; "Litter Patrol") picking up litter on my 22 person dirt roads ..not only that, i built by hand the roads my neighbors and i drive on.
Most are lazy minded.
They don't understand... How many hundreds and hundreds of tons of rock have they missed spreading?
Who pays for my shift on earth?
Who works for Jesus?
You and yours do.
Thank you for your being in United States.
- Erl, our Tribe's Most Devoted Marine Elder
Coach's Note: graphic sent in by Erl...and yes, by popular request ilg is gonna ask Erl for a DL Interview!