There are a lot of us whose wrists and ankle joints are simply not flexible enough yet - or are continually being re-stiffened from cardio and strength workouts - to sustain the wrist and ankle stresses of a hard-core asana practice. My 20 year-old very simple workout known as, "Exploring The Vents Session" completely takes care of keeping our energetic vents open so our internal ocean can soften and process what needs processing. For only $10, it's one of the Hidden Gems of WF!" - coach ilg
photo by Ananda: coach on the Ancient's Staircase at Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico. Check out the Ancient One's self-fashioned hand and footholds which climb to their pueblo on top of a 600 spire! (click on pic to enlarge)
Dear Ilg Master,
Saw this mention of your name today in an online article by Dan John and thought you would like to know.
“I've also embraced a teaching from Steve Ilg in his book, Total Body Transformation. He asks a simple question: "When was the last time you picked up some litter?" The other day, I cleaned up a neighborhood eyesore that's bugged me for weeks and felt lighter and happier. Each time I drive past it, I feel better.”
Kevin B.
Warrior Brother KB, thank you. Brother Dan has been very active and helpful in the WF SanghaLounge... he says he now swears by my Exploring The Vents Session PDF having found that it is relieving his body of chronic aches and pains from his world-class lifting and throwing career almost immediately. head bowed and Dharma Blessings upon thy Practice and May you realize your Practice everywhere, coach ilg founder/Wholistic Fitness®