the guy that beat me out of third place was pale face. Jeff. he qualified for Boston this year. i felt decidedly out of place again; a Warrior of Wholeness trapped among the Running Specialists. at the Finish Line, i told Warrior Leaf that i just missed out again on 3rd place and the treasured Hopi medals i craved so badly...
"You were close," said Warrior Leaf after we recovered from our Noble Effort in the Red Earth.
"Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades," i reminded him.
he threw his head back and caked in Warrior Sweat and stunning Hopi summer heat, the Diné...he did laugh.
that's why, "Hills make all men Brothers."
though our skin may be of pink or red or brown hues, all of our hearts beat with an ancient Tribal Rhythm. we Two Leggeds, are all of the same Tribe.
May your spirit ride forever,
May the Truth be rode forever within your sweat,
and may we - you and i - toe a Start Line together
before the Bardo Start Line...
head bowed, feet blistered from a Red Earth 41:44 8k effort among the Natives of this amazingly beautiful Turtle Island,
coach ilg