Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We Interupt This Race Report For A Dewa Sadhana Update

What's it like to have "The World's Fittest Human" as your daddy? Well, find out for yourself, because each week in the WF SanghaLounge there are beautiful exchanges between WF Warriors, including Coach, each of us doing our best as "Conscious Parents"...

due to popular request and because for some reason most of you have no idea of the wealth and intimacy and greatness of our WF SanghaLounge where this type and much more personal lives of WF Warriors is being exchanged each day...

here is a Dewa Sadhana, clipped from today's WF SanghaLounge. and, thank you to all of you who write in, asking for more updates on "Conscious Parenting"...

- coach ilg


Author: Coach Ilg
Joined: 30 Oct 2006
Posts: 620
Location: Kinlani "The Place Where Thunder Lie"

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:00 pm

ilg reckons we Daddies and Mommies oughta start our own Cave Chamber so we don't bore the be-jesus outta the single warriors in the Tribe?

this morning; my Dewa Sadhana was:

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