this is the SnowTrack in both of my blogs this past week which no one was able to determine. never before has a WF Test Challenge stumped BOTH of my DL Sangha AND the iDL'rs!
i certainly enjoyed your guesses, however:
Martins, Fishers, Black Bear, Coyote, Puma, Mexican Wolf, Snowshoe Hare...Oh MY!
Two readers that that it was a YETI! Technically, around here, we have no Yeti's. we do however, have the North American version; the Sasquatch (aka; Big Foot).
the best humor guess was this one from a Marine:
"It's a large frog with a woody."
in fact, the Marine's had an entire Discussion Board set up for deciphering my photo (thanks to ever-devoted iDL'r Erl)...including a VERY, VERY CLOSE CALL!
last winter, i did a WF Teaching on the value of going barefoot in winter, particularly spending time barefoot in the snow. (is the Light going on, yet, oh Noble Yogi?)
then, in DL i published this darling photo:

2/28/08; Dewa First SnowTracks
which should have been quite the clue for the Alert DL Reader.
you should know your Coach by now...
thinking "outside the box" should be mandatory for you after 3 decades of following my Teachings!
it amazed me that everyone defaulted to what Buddha called, "Afflicted Thinking" as you tried to figure out the SnowTrack. you made the fatal error of 'assuming' the Track was an Animal Track instead of looking at the Track with what the Zen people would call, "Beginners Mind."
did you even pay heed to my Word Choice? i called it, a "SnowTrack" didn't i?
i didn't call it an "Animal Track"...you guys did!
surprisingly, it was Tamara, my dear friend who makes Monsters for movies, in Studio City, CA who came sooooo close with her offering,
Dear Steve,
I'm going to take a stab and say what first cam to my mind... I'm no tracking expert but it looks to me like you have captured the very rare signs of a mama lowering her baby into her first snow! Looks like the tracks of a little creature known around your parts as Dewachen feeling her first snow! Makes sense to me because she is very cat like... and her retractible claws won't come in for another 10 years or so :)
so, by now, i Trust you've figured out my SnowTrack Test Challenge which will now go down in WF History as the only Test Challenge to stump all the Sangha...
it was my own barefoot track.
since it's evident you guys aren't Practicing barefoot walking in snow
(otherwise, you would have NAILED the track right off the bat), i'll explain the track indicators:
i told you it was about 4" across.
near a woodpile.
high compression across the forefoot.
known to exhibit cat-like behavior at times (hey, doesn't a professional yoga teacher and former pro rock climber display "cat-like behavior"?)
any yogi who Practices barefoot as much as possible (which is a MANDATORY WF Lifestyle Principle which i have Taught you constantly) knows that when it's time to get more firewood from the outside woodpile during snow,
we perch up on the balls of our feet, thus keeping the more temperature-sensitive arch area off the snow, at least for short periods of time.
guess i need to put a lid on any more advanced Training for y'all.
time to Begin Again.
perhaps review the WF Scriptures...
maybe Begin Again with the "Namaste" or the "Green Tara" WF Training Programs.
uncover and rediscover those glowing WF Basic Teachings
such as Barefoot Litter Patrol, Early Morning Cleaning Ritual, and Brushing Teeth while in Yogi Squat with Non-Dominant Hand.
such are the Basic WF Techniques which make this Precious Path so rare, so powerful, and so immediately Transformative.
such are the simple Teachings so characteristic of this Path that are so easily passed off by those with busy, fancy minds...thinking to themselves, "Oh how quaint! That's really cute stuff...but i am far too busy and powerful of a person to be bothered with such simplicity...i want to go to India and study with a real Guru."
go ahead.
however, if you couldn't figure out feeble teacher ilg's
go(o)d luck tracking an Enlightened Guru who is already and endlessly waiting for your Awareness to elevate high enough, consistently enough to receive the Teachings for which WF is ideal groundwork.
happy tracking!
i'm going skiing...17"of fresh snow up on the Sacred Peak...
remember, don't email me about my DL's or iDL's!
that is what the DL Cave is for in the WF SanghaLounge!
thank you for respecting my "InBox'.
i cherish your DL input; it helps me pace my Teachings for you all.
that is all,
your mountain yeti...
your mountain yogi
PS: last night i clued in my WF Online Students as to the origin of the SnowTrack.
Student Singer was quick with his reply:
"See, I was correct... Coyote. 'Trickster'!!"