"asana or pranayama really require an empty stomach in order to be pranically receptive. 2, preferrably 3 hours or longer after eating is a mandatory time frame before practicing asana and/or pranayama. you'll want as clean, clear system as possible. - coach ilg"photo: HP Yogini Susan (see DL Archives, October 2008) during a River Trip in the Grand Canyon greeting her day by an outdoor version of my Rock Vinyasa DVD routine
thank you so much for yourTotal Body Transformation book . i have two questions though. first, can i add some extra exercises in the gym after your exercises? second if i have a glass of wine with dinner is it still effective to do a yoga routine?
thanks again,
jeremy p.
coach responds:
Namaste Jeremy P!
thank you for writing and for your Metta!
answer to #1: no. it is NOT wise to superimpose or add exercises to the programs in TBT. if each set is carried to Momentary Muscular Failure (MMF) as coached, then adding exercises upon pre-fatigued system is not suggested. remember, you are attempting to link together 3 consecutive months of training...if you start tweaking around the recipe, you risk ruining the proven Path.
having said that, if you do get all the way to the Frugal Realm, and still feel like the OVERALL WHOLISTIC TRAINING EFFECT from the previous three months did not invite strength into your weaker disciplines, then, it's time to...
ps; anyone who consumes alcohol should DEFINITELY be on my Phase One of SUNRIDER Herbs to cleanse and support liver function as well as many other side effects from alcohol consumption and on the MAP Amino Acids. email me at steve(at)wholisticfitness.com for info on joining these two pivotal nutritional Practices of WF.