i took this shot of the WF Temple H(om)e (aka; 3-Chi Manor) yesterday while nordic skiing on my private ski loop. the snowtrack from the Creature which has apparently stumped my Noble DL Sangha was found near a woodpile on 'reader left' of 3-Chi Manor.
So, my DL Challenge Test yesterday has seemingly stumped my Noble DL Sangha.
Tracking is very important; in our Bardo Entry,
our spiritual evolution becomes dependent upon how well "we" maintain the filaments of our SupraConsciousness throughout the 5 dozen wrathful and pleasurable Realms of Extreme Intensity. Precisely why i have you training in so many different fitness and lifestyle Realms; i am developing your Awareness throughout various intensities to make your Atman 'more spiritually fit' upon your Bardo Entry. our "Bardo Consciousness" has to 'track' the Highest Lights and Nada during our Bardo Journey...and there is VERY LITTLE ROOM for 100% Navigation toward Dewachen (the "Highest Step on the Podium of the Human Race for our Tribe" of which i have Taught you before in DL. if you attain Dewachen, your personal coach will be at the feet of Amitabha Buddha, Himself!).
now, back to the WF Challenge Test:
So, i'm posting the photo again below and the Challenge Test is now open to the iDL'rs!
one of them MIGHT just win 3 FREE MONTHS of DL!!!
you gotta earn it by using your Creative Tracking Skills, however.
here is the pic:

Tracking Hint:
try clicking to enlarge the picture. this might not work on some Browsers.
2007 HP Yogini of the Year, Leslie is hot on the trail however. She asks;
"So...your track...hard to see it clearly, where it was, the time of day, spacing, tail drag etc ...SOOOOOO, I am going to quess mountain lion. Cat-like track, retractable claws, A-1 Mountain area, birds, deer, little domesticated cats around .... Large print."
the track was RIGHT OUTSIDE the WF Temple H(om)e!! near the woodpile. time of day; morning Brahma Muhurta. no tail drag evident. not Mountain Lion, however, you could be on the 'right track' since this creature certainly displays 'cat like' behavior. claws are NOT-RETRACTABLE! for my outside Flagstaff area readers, 3-Chi Manor sits on the edge of a dry, alpine lakebed right on the north side of A-1 Mountain; a mixed aspen/conifer forest at an elevation of 7,577'.
interestingly, my best two nature trackers in the WF Formal Sangha are both women;
Leslie of Flag and Online Student Anne "SassoSan" of NJ. can you beat these two Warrioress to win the 3 FREE MONTHS OF DL!?
May your Stillness be sanctified by the sincerity of your Sweat today...