click on both pics to enlarge
from today's interview with Coach Ilg on
"The Outdoor Journey" blog
For the first time in my life,
i find myself fighting to find the (inner) Fire to compete in
endurance sports.
fatigue from New Daddyhood at age 46 is a prime reason.
the only reason.
to train for hallmark events such as the Tour de Ski high altitude nordic ultra marathon, or the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon requires the one thing that a Conscious Parent does not have a ton of; selfish time.
especially if the parents, like Joy and i, choose to raise our children without babysitters and/or do not have elders to help.
so, when it comes to getting in Cardio Workouts; the default Discipline is Running.

that is go(o)d.
because, running is, within the WF Path, considered the "Most Noble" of all Cardio Disciplines. This is due to her purity. Her nakedness. There is nothing like the spiritual high combined with the amplitude of grounding upon our tissues
which comes from our feet consistently and intensely "fucking" Mother Earth...which is using the famous "F-Word" in its original and classic sense.
in fact, due to intense compaction upon the body which running transfers into our connective tissue, most teachers of 'yoga' tend to shy far, far away from intense and consistent running. many even go so far as to counsel their yoga students NOT to run because, "it will ruin your yoga." such ignorance of what "asana" truly means stems from our current spiritual dark age (kali yuga). one must choose one's teachers of yoga very wholistically, in my opinion.
so, when WF Devotee John "Hakado Ru" Kuhlman, founder of
"The Outdoor Journey" blog
asked me for my Top Five Endurance Books,
you'll see that most of them revolve around running.
There is nothing that rips your body up
while strengthening the mental and stamina fibers as running.
every other Cardio Discipline has some form of extracurricular 'entertainment' for the ego;
swimmers have the water element and buoyancy,
skiers have glide,
cyclists get to have their bodyweight supported plus mechanical momentum and speed,
even the Second Most Noble Cardio Sport; Snowshoeing
is not as pure as running due to the imposition of the webs and a far less concussive factor.
So, as New Daddy ilg fights fatigue like i did this morning
while strapping on a pair of YakTrax to my running shoes
before steaming up the zero-degree temperature for my hour long run along
frozen forest roads,
may you find inspiration and the will to carry on the go(o)d fight
as you
maintain your steadfast consistency in the endurance arts...
one of the Five Noble Disciplines of Wholistic Fitness (aka; NavanYoga in Sanscrit).
click here for the list:
ilg's TOP FIVE ENDURANCE BOOK picks on Hak's blog
head bowed,
wholistic heart open,
your loving mountain yogi
second photo of coach in Vasisthasana by James Q Martin;
(photo by www.JamesQMartin.com)
NOTE: this is the final "Full Story" that iDLr's will receive until next holiday season...
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