click pic to enlarge...the "Can Do Clan" of steve, joy, and dewachen at the WF Temple H(om)e this morning...endlessly devoted to your spiritual-based fitness!
Namaste Coach Ilg,
i just placed an order via Wholisticfitness.com website for a copy ofTOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION.
this book is a gift...you would consider signing it for her?
her name is "x" -- she's a martial artist (boxing) and yogi -- experienced in the martial arts, and just beginning her journey as a yoga instructor. i began rattling off something about WF one day as i often do, and her eyes lit-up at the thought of it.
many thanks for considering,
student wc.
see the left-hand margin for the Product Category Tree!
send me an email at steve(at)WholisticFitness.com
for any books you need signed for your family and friends!
if surprising a Loved One with a WF Retreat or a DL Subscription
email me for a WF Gift Certificate!
as you know, i accept NO ADVERTISING MONEY!
WF has ALL-WAYS REMAINED 100% Student/Subscriber Driven and
let me tell you, although i've always had WF there for your chi hits and education and inspiration,
our humble, precious little Path is always in need of "Temple Tithing" especially at this time of the year!
besides earning fantastic karmic merit by helping WF survive in these tough economic times, you can rest assured that your Tithe will be Blessed and spent in supporting the uniquely powerful Teachings of WF and be used to advance my 're-tooling' of WholisticFitness.com to make it a "Destination Website For Transpersonal Fitness Warriors".... WF Master Student Mike Singer is volunteering his time, devotion, and intelligence in 2009 to help me make WholisticFitness.com upgraded with an entire library of streaming videos, monthly dharma talks, and email versions of specific WF Training Programs delivered day-by-day right to your email inbox at a low price point, plus MUCH more! HELP THY TEMPLE!
please consider a Temple Tithe at this time:
Here's my WF Temple Tithe!
(For periodic Temple Tithing, this link appears as the last item on the "Special Product" page on the WF Tribal Catalog)
as allWays,
since my fundamental contemplative spiritual training and Lineage Roots come from the Tibetan Mountain Yogi Tradition,
a portion of ALL Temple Tithe goes to support:
Save Tibet