I just read your chapter 2 race report of the TOUR de SKI CHRONICLES.
"After the first drop of 1,500' feet (can you say, EARNING YOUR TURNING?), there was a, get this, 8-minute tuck section! That's right, bucko! Chair Pose for a solid 8 minutes on 3-hour pre-fatigued legs? And you wonder why i teach HP Yoga in the manner i do?!"
Yowza! Now that hits home with me. I can only imagine the lactic acid joy coursing through your quads and lower back at this point!
You're da man!

click to enlarge. this and the other race photo by
New daddio ilgo attempting to break the spirit of our first chase group at last Sunday's USSSA National Qualifier. right on my snowshoe tails is the ever smiling WF Devotee and Bronze-medalist at the World Championships, Laurie Lambert of Red River, New Mexico. Laurie and i both switched snowshoe sponsors from Atlas to Flag's local and very tragically hip, just WAIT till you see what ilg + Kahtoola (Tibetan; means "directly") are working on!
by this point in the race, Sly Coons, the defending champion (and 8th place finisher in the 2007 World's) had already launched an insane pace from the Start Gun. as our Chase Group entered the singletrack, i knew i had about 8 minutes of rolling terrain before i could attack on the first climb which was...
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