Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Most Potent Prayer Of All...

Dearest Teacher,

I've just started teaching yoga, attempting to bring some of your 'mountain yogi spirit' into my classes. It's hard. I feel like a fool and I don't know if I should continue. If i get too "out there" and say the "G" (God) word too much, I get reprimanded by both students and gym management. I know you began teaching Yoga out of gyms long before it became fashionable. I cannot imagine the barriers and resistances you have dealt with to forge the way for the rest of us. Thank you. If I could ask any one question to you it would be, "How can I bring a sense of Go(o)d - as you write it which I LOVE! - to my students without triggering their religious senses?"

For all that you have done and continue to do in Kali Yuga; may this Spiritual Dark Age bless you and your family with all of your Highest aspirations.



Most Beautiful Yogin Who Is Noble Enough To Serve The Dharma As A Living,

Listen closely.
Due to your Bravery i will let you know precisely how ilg has long dealt with the narrowed minds of those who confuse religion with spiritual cultivation. This may be perhaps, the only Prayer you'll ever need to know. Know it by heart. Sing it to the Wind. Mesmerize your mind by it's potency. Ride the blissful waves of Divine Joy as they wash over your Being as you recite this Prayer in Meditation. Yes, you may read it to your Students but only during Shavasana. It has been my Blessing to receive it from my Jnana Yoga Teacher during deep communication. Do not abuse it by throwing it away after reading it. Fall in love with it...the type of Love that makes you cry which is the Highest Love there is on our Plane(t).

My Teacher did not say this was a Prayer. He just ran it off as He is so easily capable of, during a Dharma Download... It is feeble ilg that made it into my most Potent Prayer of All...This is surely a most beautiful "Lords Prayer"...

May you use this Prayer as an inner hoist to elevate your Sadhana to a High Enough Vibration that praise and slander, glory and reprimand all look and feel the same to you...

10,000 Dharma Blessing to your Students,
Train them well by training yourself wisely...

head bowed,
coach ilg


PLEASE SEE TODAY's DIRECT LINES for it's proper Transmission
out of the eyes and abuse of the General Public...
this is truly a Spiritual Fitness Warrior's Prayer and thus must remain so...

thank you for your understanding and
i look forward to you reading the Prayer in the Tribal Firelight of the
Ancient Band of Fitness Warriors since time immemorial....the Tribe of Devoted
WF Yogis...