Please enjoy the debut issue of HOMEGYM MAGAZINE featuring coach ilg
HOMEGYM Magazine, a beautiful and noble offering for Fitness Warriors, is now available at most major bookstores...i would LOVE it if you would subscribe to this magazine to help the lift-off of this new venture designed to ultimately not to turn people on, rather to turn them inward! i was one of the first editors and contributors of ROCK & ICE MAGAZINE when that mag was nothing but an idea of scattered papers littering the den of George Bracksieck's home near mine in Boulder, Colorado in the late seventies. So, i figure there is no reason why HOMEGYM MAGAZINE cannot eventually achieve the same longevity and quality that did R&I.
Here is what my publisher wrote me the other day;
Good morning Coach,
Got confirmation from Barnes and Noble today that Home Gym Magazine has been
on sale officially since Dec 21. It's also available at 500 plus bookstores,
newsstands and specialty fitness stores as listed here
HOMEGYM MAGAZINE distribution lsit
Thanks for your help.
Happy New Year! Charlie
Now, for those Noble Warriors of you that are interested in why i choose to write for only a few magazines these days, i must turn you toward the Sacred Scriptures.
Buckle up, most Fitness Warriors will get dropped over this headwall:
In this case, Verse 40 of Chapter 4 of the HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA was the main reason why i chose to write for HOMEGYM MAGAZINE. This Sutra states:
"Some people are confused by the agamas, some people are confused by the nigamas and logic. They are bewildered, not knowing how to be liberated."
In our current yuga (spiritual eon) which is the yuga of Kali (eon of spiritual darkness and ignorance), people are confused quickly by the ancient shastras (authoritative treatises on spiritual philosophy and practice). Our confusion and quick tendency towards the recent spike-on-the-graph of such mental dis-eases as A.D.D. and Fitness Warrior's who tend to shy away from anything requiring depth of contemplative study and extrapolation is due to the de-evolution of our inner-attainment fitness. Essentially, as more and more parents who ...
"may the precious waves of reality that feed the Souls of all men in any age arise In The Human Realm Awaken Us To The Necessity Of Life As Sadhana...
oh, and please pick up an issue of HOMEGYM MAGAZINE, another unlikely Dharma Vehicle of your crazy wisdom coach...
Working from the inside,
your loving coach