i am really enjoying reading “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” currently am in the section of Karma and it is shedding a new light. i have been quite aware of my “active laziness” (DL;1*4*08) throughout 2007 and really in-joyed creating time over the holy-days. My husband and i patiently waited for some snow to arrive, so we could celebrate winter with some cross-country skiing.

At the moment between 2007 coming to a close and 2008 gracing our presence, it was snowing in beautiful big wet flakes (above image). On New Year ’s Day we ventured out with borrowed skis and this humble rookie was having quite a time in the wet snow. After stopping numerous times to scrape off the snow balls accumulating on the bottom of the skis, finally engaging mula and reciting the WF mantra, i just slowed down and went for it.
as we left the lake at dusk, this image...

...stopped us in our tracks “don’t forget to continue to make space in your day to c(om)e outside”
so on that note, i will now take miss-maddie-girl for a walkie-walk…
coach's note:
please visit Master Student Shawna's website;