Flagstaffian and famed "Cave Explorer" HP Yogi Jut out there 'getting it done' with breath and posture at the USSSA National Qualifier Sport SnowShoe Race on Sunday. photo by coach.
Most Noble Ones,
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
- Martin Luther King
Namaste Noble WF Yogis!
i trust this email catches you recovering from another great winter weekend holiday!
so stoked am i at the following HP Yogis who "took their yoga off the mat" and into another Yogic Discipline of Competitive Endurance Skills to test their breath, posture, and mental focus at 'my' National Qualifier SnowShoe Race on Sunday:
5k Women:
Rachel Blievernicht, 6th place. age 20. FIRST EVER SNOWSHOE RACE. time: 54:33
5k Men:
Mitch Driebe, 6th place. age 50, FIRST EVER SNOWSHOE RACE. time: 45:20
10k Men:
4th place; steve ilg, age 45, 1:01:36
8th place; Jut Wynne, age 38, 1:21:17
Special acknowledgment to HP Yogi Ben "Patki Dass" Sullivan who came out to add support even after racing his mountain bike for 40 miles the previous day!
what the above Yogis did on Sunday, just by TOEING THE START LINE, was expand their notion of yoga to include precisely what yoga (Union) really means; EVERYTHING! The Kundalini Shakti will not rise correctly through an unpurified spine...actually sushumna (subtle anatomical spine; carrier of Kundalini). For sushumna to be purified, Cardio Training is essential. Besides, a more fit CV System means more powerful lungs for your Pranayama (breath science). InDeed, the yogi who does NOT do regular and intense cardio training as part of their Yoga Practice, would not ever WANT the Kundalini to begin Her ascent of sushumna! i'll tell you more in an upcoming presentations. For now, just do this: participate in a sustained Cardio Activity (30 minutes of an elevated heart rate) at least once every day! Answer the Call...remember; you come from a Hunter/Gatherer Tribe; CV Fitness is IN YOUR CELLS!
thank you for your patience (hey, this is why DL is only $10/month instead of $10/issue....DL is really hard on me, however, trying to lay my original sweat and spirit out in this forum for you all each day is really my offering of Love for your Atman...please know that!).
i actually had input that the story was so good by itself, pictures would have dampened the effect of it!
that was very kind.
perhaps we all, since children, get too attached to pictures. too attached to drama instead of deeper, slower, more "you-have-to-hook-up-the-dots-yourself-you-lazy-twerp type of (l)earning.
if such is the case, it's gonna be Dumb into Dumber as you enjoy these photos taken by Jamie Weink, the Race Director. she asked me not to let people republish them. i told her, i would only publish them on my Subscription Blog and i know that if i tell my DL Subscribing Warriors not to re-publish them in any form without your permission, they won't.
and you won't. i know that. we are Yogis.
enjoy her shoots and imagine the Pain...and the Mystical Journey of Sacred High Altitude Sweat...