okay, okay...here are a couple more Dewa pics!...
geez, you guys are like me, can't get enough of this lil chicky...

at the foot (pada) of Dewa...
any more questions on whether or not the breast milk from a mommie on the regenerative whole-food herbs of SUNRIDER plus BioBuilde Amino Acids transfers that anabolic cellular fitness into her child? check this out; at less than 4 months, i've had to cut out all the feetsie's of Dewa's 3-6 month "onesie's" because Her feet have outgrown the feetsies! we also have to clip Her fingernails daily due to how fast Her cells are regenerating. oh, and how about THAT yogi toe spread, eh?!?!

...hey, what can i say; she is the daughter of a book author! She even turns the pages by Herself...
well, i'm finally off to do what every sane Human Being would do on a SNOW DAY like today; GO SNOWBOARDING, BABY!!!!
don't worry, i first spent a couple of hours at Zone 2 Heart Rate shoveling out the Warrior's priorities ...

Buddha first,

Birds second,

self's and neighbors sidewalks/driveways...
Yeah Baby! Reminds me of COLORADO "POW" DAYS!!!!
outta here...have a TON OF FOCUSED FUN today and be sure to get in your Daily Sweat and Stillness...
you won't believe what's coming down the DL tube this week!
head bowed,
the mountain yogi