Dear Coach Ilg,
I just ordered your book and expect to receive it in the mail next week. I look forward to learning about your program. Of all the fitness and health programs I have seen and read about, I believe that yours is the only one that mentions the Inner Work that needs to be done. I have always struggled to maintain a consistent work out, but it doesn't always happen. I have a suspicion that some Inner Work needs to be done.
Thanks for your information on your web site which motivated me to learn more. Congratulations on your new baby.
Aloha and I bow back to you from the top of an active volcano (Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii).
Nancy Reilly
Most Noble Yogini Nancy,
your 'suspicions' are right on Target...the Target of Enlightenment.
let me know when you are really, really ready to do that Inner Work.
i have a very effective Path for you...you might say, i've been waiting for you...
and i will continue to work on myself to be the best possible Teacher for you
when i hear your sincere Knock upon my humble Temple Door...
head bowed from the extinct volcano of Doko Oosliid,
coach ilg
photo by jill torrance of Doko Oosliid and the training roads surrounding the WF Temple