A heads up, especially for my Online Students;
i guess we are going to be out of electricity all day tomorrow (Wednesday)
(hey, it's still the wild west, you know)
so DL will be back on Thursday
and i have all SORTS of great new Teachings lined up;
also, thank you for all the kind words about the last few entries of DL...
i appreciate the Metta and love it when the diversity of WF shines through!
so, keep your contributions, pictures, and Metta coming and
i look forward to our continuing Journey...
i leave you with this which came through me tonight while teaching another
kickass HP Yoga Class here beneath the Sacred Peak:
our home is not our home.
our body is not our true self.
our family is not our family.
our car is not our vehicle.
our money is not our true Wealth.
we want the Spiritual Journey so long as it meets our..
DO NOT MISS THIS ENTIRE TEACHING and picture of Coach in Floating Padmasana...
Subscribe to the creator of all Online Fitness Training and the world's orginal Transpersonal Fitness Trainer TODAY!
photo 1; a poppy along the WF Temple H(om)e's front walkway catches coach's eye as, "i see her play witness to It All with such ineffable poise...ahhh...to live like a flower!"