Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dewa Dharma; My Little Precious Jewel Reaches 21 Days Old

My Darling Dewachen,

in honor of your 21st Day of coming into this Formful UniVerse* and, to let you know that Amma and Abba ( mommy and daddy) are still ATTEMPTING to bring Non-Attachment (vairagya) to your absolutely ADORABLE form,
i Gift unto Thee on this Day of Days, an excerpt from a very famous book that many Awakened Adults read and re-read to keep our Practice of Non-Attachment at the forefront of our Consciousness.

The book is called...

OH, we hate to tell you, however, this might just be the MOST ADORABLE DL ever! DO NOT MISS THE ENTIRE TEACHING PLUS...and you CAN't BEAT THIS: more Dewa Pictures, including a sneak peak at the world's fittest Baby Glutes!

1) She's got me; Hook, Line, and Sinker. It is great Honor to take some of the mountaineering like stress from Joy and feed Dewa some of Joy's breast milk from a very fancy smancy bottle. I only wish i could lactate! Hey, maybe...oh well, anyway, much of my Stay-At-H(om)e Fatherhood practices have evolved into what i call; Dewa Sadhana! i Love it! i simply cannot imagine going away from Dewa for entire days to some 'office.' No way.