here is what does not matter:
regardless of how elegantly,
and sweatfully
i attempt to Teach and Transmit
a Path of Balanced Lifestyle Fitness,
most of us treat the engagement of such a Practice as almost fiction.
many of us are still hell bent on cluttering up our lives instead of simplifying our Precious Journey.
we must each question our Intent behind our addiction to so much busy-ness.
Do you know what i mean when i speak to you about Conscientious Kindness?
That phrase means;
Con = With
Science = Systematic Practice
Kindness = To Treat Others as "Kin"...Kin-dness; the quality of being friendly
i created WF as a Path of Karma Yoga to basically help my own lame self become a better, more whole Human Being during my time spent here. i knew that the Fitness Disciplines alone would not be enough to create a Kinder steve ilg. something had to be interwoven within my...
forget about the meditation cushion.
let the yoga mat wither.
watch the rust creep over your barbell set.
does not matter one weensie bit if you just do One Act toward preserving your Practice of WF:
Practice Being Kind.
In our Tradition there is a saying - a mantra; if Imparted to you by your Teacher.
It is designed to help the busy-addicted people;
"Man me Ram, hath me kam."
it means...

Dance not the line of your neurotic impulses to do,
Dance with the rhythmic line that monuments who you choose to be.
Om So Ti,
the mountain yogi