Fall not fall in love with another person as much as falling in love with the strength of their Practice. For, inevitably, it boils down to the strength of Personal Practice that keeps all Relationships loving ones.
- coach ilg
Bhahadrasana, Snow Canyon, Utah. ilg archvies
Steve Ilg's HIGH PERFORMANCE YOGA unites with the new
Northern Arizona Yoga Center
Namaste Noble Warriors!
It is with Ten Thousand Dharma Smiles that i announce my teaming up with Northern Arizona Yoga Center - under new ownership by the great crew over at Vertical Relief Climbing Gym!!!
I can't wait to Serve you heaping, helping dosages of the renown, "Sacred Sweat and Spirit," of HP Yoga within a new, beautiful "Practice Cave" in downtown Flag!
So visit and bookmark the Northern Arizona Yoga Center link above. Check out ALL THE GREAT TEACHERS and CLASSES and come on out to share the Sacred Sweat! We are just getting our feet under us, so make some tracks past the tracks and do YOGA!
See you on the mat,

coach ilg
*** Class Descriptions:
HP YOGA! Now on Tuesdays AND Thursdays @ 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Tuesday Evenings With Coach: Lovingly guided and as dharmically potent as they come! Each class stashes all sorts of powerful self- cultivation arrows into your spiritual quiver! Trust in the class that has produced world class athletes and empowered yogis of all styles for a quarter century! All abilities welcome!
Thursday Evenings with Coach: PROP TILL YOU DROP, BABY! Oh, oh! Coach is on the loose with this incredible, acclaimed, and exclusive strength training/asana hybrid class! You'll never know just how miraculous and joyful are your natural healing and empowerment capacities until you enjoy the, "Mother of all workouts on the Mother Road!" I am terribly stoked to share with you this class that has produced podiums for all calibers of athletes and empowers all yogic styles! Fun and Focused we go! Oh, and don't forget to bring a sweat towel!
...and, yes! my Beloved Ananda (Joy) is anticipating her return to Teaching on Sunday mornings at the new Studio after the first of the year! That would make THREE HP Yoga opportunities per week for you!
TRAIN with COACH during the Week and SOAR on your WEEKENDS!