Yesterdays Kendrick Peak DL inspires many worldwide...
to view Coach's stirring DL from his run up Kendrick Peak,
please click on SUBSCRIBE below...

a mountain cabin, elegant in its dilapidated simplicity, on Kendrick Peak - the subject of yesterdays DL which inspired several DL fans to write to me such as George below. thank you all for choosing to be Here Now. photo by ilg.
Dear Coach,
in yesterday's jaw-dropping DL you wrote;
"They don't make extinct volcano's like this any more,"
well, after being one of those 'scared students' of yours since THE OUTDOOR ATHLETE days, i would like to say to you, "Oh Noble Coach,"
thank you, thank you, THANK YOU
They don't make Personal Trainers like you any more
and to my knowledge,
there has NEVER been a Yoga Teacher quite like you.
keep rockin' in the way you do; for ALL of us!
George Hawkins