Monday, September 3, 2007

Until Our Body Gleams...

From Today's DIRECT LINES; Subscription Format:

"Until our body reflects like a mirror the capacities of our Clear Mind, then we must each keep steadfast our practice (Abhyasa) until our body gleams with a highly skilled, functional fitness of endurance, strength, suppleness, and symmetry. For without the balance of Yin and Yang within our body, then our masculine is out of balance with our feminine...and vice versa. Without balance of yin/yang (Shakti/Shiva), then no true Upward Progress will be balanced or appropriately strong at the Subtle Anatomical level; thus disparaging shall be our Awakening; let alone the ascent of our Kundalini. ilg has been Teaching you this for many years in many ways. Stop wasting time. Let nothing; no sport, no job, no relationship, no parental conditioning, no trauma, no drama stand in your Way of Wholistic Fitness Development..."