one of the first things ilg feels the need for after a hard endurance workout (which is predominately a 'yin' endeavor) is the deep fiber masculinity of Strength Training (which is predominately a 'yang' endeavor). This devotion to yin/yang balance (aka; Shakti/Shiva in yoga) is known as Wholistic Fitness. To cultivate too much of either yin or yang is known as "neurosis." photo of ilg, the day after a 10-mile, high altitude mountain run; getting male (gym) after being so female (running).
There is a reason why you've never seen such an exercise as the one ilg shares with you today...
The root of this reason lies within the same fertile summit snowfield from which all the other Wholistic Fitness® teachings flow; all the Strength Training Techniques, cardio teachings, High Performance Yoga, Nutritional Guidelines, meditation lessons, and lifestyle principles of which conventional fitness and yoga warriors have yet to learn. Nor will they, until they Awake and look waaaay up and finally, finally see the fiercely graceful Path of Ancient Yoga stylized for the Modern Warrior known as Wholistic Fitness, soaring its long, steep and directisma approach straight up the formidably beautiful face of the Highest of All Summits.
Udnerstand this:
Intensity is the Buddha of all WF's unique teachings and unmatched Yoga (union). It has been the intensity of my life that has strengthened the depth and width of the WF Conduit of the Divine.
Be Warned:
If you are too scared of regular battledancing with Intensity across ALL the capacities of your miraculous human potentiality, then, take a lesser Path. there are countless ones. you can find them by simply looking downstream, along the flow of mediocrity. ilg asks you, however, why be continuing to seek lower than your Highest Self?
Be Stoked:
This great exercise which is about to be shared is not about developing a killer set of arms that do not look like the spindle wisps of endurance athletes. It ain't about trying to get all big and bloaty like the current apish fighters and bodybuilders still mired in the lower chakral battles incapable of either great endurance or suppleness. This exercise is not about bashing the studio yogi scared stiff of getting sore and acidic from cross training.
Know This:
This exercise is about lifting Clarity from your addiction to Convention.
It's a spiritual springboard to ignite your inner rocket ship from the thickness of inculcated, afflicted, and un-liberated thought.
Make No Mistake, Warrior Yogi:
ilg now gifts upon you, Noble DL Reader, a superb Strength Training Movement which combines the graceful fierceness of a yoga posture well done, with that elegance of deep fiber strength which can only be found within the Metal Element of the Iron Temple.
you don't read Dharma like this anywhere else,
cuz there ain't no other Dharma
quite like
Wholistic Fitness Dharma.
let's party: