In Part One of this Teaching, many bases were touched upon; particularly within the importance of the Meditation Discipline of the Wholistic Fitness Path...
Today's installment is even more tenuous. for when the Shifts happen from within, and when the Meditative absorption welds within the gunic fabric and Protectors, Guides, and Inner Gurus leap to your Awareness in surprisingly gregariousness, well, that is a very special Spot on the spiritual journey. it is a Spot about which ilg has written many times; the hand off - which started from External Motivation (driving to take classes, going to workshops, eating things to 'get you amped up' for your workout, using iPods, all that type of external, grapsing) and then moved to Internal Motivation (whereupon the aspirant no longer requires cheerleading or 'scientific approval' or anything else to simply 'do the Do.') to the final sweetness of Divine Motivation. usually this final Shift occurs coincidently with...
DO NOT MISS THIS TEMPLE GONG ENTRY! coach reveals his retirement from public life in accordance with the Vedic ashram tradition! beautiful Tibetan Prayer he gives with great Student Photos!
above photo:
yesterday; inline ski skate workout. asthma or not, here i come! as defending Classic Champion of the High Altitude Nordic World Championships, my nordic training begins in mid-August! photo by Ananda