an excerpt from Coach's DharmaTeaching today; a VERY powerful one!!! DON'T MISS IT:
like the bees that flit from blossom to blossom in my front garden, the WF Sadhaka (spiritual seeker) must learn to flit from teaching to teaching, circumstance to circumstance - difficult or enjoyable, hot or cold, yin or yang - and learn by Wise Discrimination which Teachers and Teachings truly em-Body the energy and radiance and wisdom they feel most Appropriate for their unique questing of spiritual knowledge. in yoga, attainment of such Wisdom gathered from All Sources is known as, Mahavidya; the great knowledge. that is why it is hard for me to accept fully the teachings from a yoga teacher that does not hammer out hard, 12 hour+ weeks of cardio training or a yoga teacher that has attitude toward the gym. however, what ilg can do is be BeeLike and sip the..."