Lucas, bringin' the CHI to his Blue Belt Promotion. Lucas is son of Most Noble WF Online Shishya Alan Ludgate of NYC.
you'll be hearing more about Veteran WF Warrior Ludgate this week in DL! however, i HAD to share this with you today from Allan:
Namaste! Much to report on the Escarpment Trail Race last Sunday, but first a quick WF moment. We had our company summer office outing on Tuesday, and I attended with my boyz. Among other attractions (swimming pool, tennis courts, sailboats, four kinds of beer on ice) there was a golf driving range. Older son Lucas decided his day would not be complete without hitting a golf ball for the first time. We went to the clubhouse, got a couple of clubs and a bucket of balls, and headed out to hack. Worth mentioning that I have played golf <10 times in my life, the last time was 15 years ago, and I really sicked. I gave my son a few things to focus on, and told him "Watch my swing, but don't pay attention to where the ball goes ('cause I figured it wasn't going far). I drew the club back, swung through, and looked up to see an absolutely perfect shot flying through the sky! Thinking "whew, got lucky", I helped Lucas with his swing for a few minutes, then threw another ball down, drew back, and WHACK...another perfect shot! I ultimately hit 25 balls, and 23 of them were perfect, repeatable, balanced swings. The thought came in a flash..."let's see, body is in balance, mind is focused, range of motion is strong but supple...yup, it's WF in action". It was the same feeling I had last winter, when I skied for the first time in 20 years. Man, it is fun to have a well-trained body / mind.
Student L'Gate