We say, "In calmness there should be activity; in activity there should be calmness." Actually, they are the same thing; to say,"calmness" or to say "activity" is just to express two different interpretations of one fact. There is harmony in our activity, and where there in harmony there is calmness. This harmony is the quality of being. But the quality of beign is also nothing but its speedy activity.
- Shunryu Suzuki
so much.
so much.
so full.
the heart opening space of traveling across the Mohave, and up, up, up onto the Colorado Plateau via the Mogollon Rim is, for me, a 5.50 hour no-music, all merging meditation into the complete abundance of my life blessed by the compassionate powerhouse catalyst of Wholistic Fitness.

here, back at 7,200' with my Beloved Swollen Belly One, the Temple shines and dances with an alacrity of a Pranic Palace. small wonder why our visiting Students who can feel the Energetics of a puja-doused Temple H(om)e get their energetic socks knocked off...this p(a)lace POPS the PRAN! Beautiful! in the two weeks i was in the Big City, the Aspens have given birth to millions of their adorable sand-dollar shaped leaves which now add a symphonic delight to the soft spring wind caressing the towering Ponderosa. evening sunlight spills into Two Tree Manor like the underlacing of choreographed compositions.
my Practice shone in the Big City and produced for me a pungent chapter of Dharma Joys upon which i will suckle for years...
i was Calm in the midst of Big City Activity, my Practice seemed never further than it truly ever is; a Conscious Breath away.
much more later,
i wanted you to know that i am back beneath the Peak and my Beloved One is sooooo beautiful and where i live is to me; Nibhanna.
that's wealth.
that's health.
thank you Noble Sangha of LA for sharing with me your Sacred Sweat and Spirit and it was sooooooooooooo deeeeeeeeeeply blissful being with you...
don't forget to catch me on the internet and satellite radio this weekend! just see yesterday's DL for the times!