It is with immense humility and incalculable gratitude to Brahman that i offer each of you, my Noble and Faithful Sangha, the opportunity to help Joy and myself provide an open, clear, and nourishing EarthWalk for our Baby Girl.
All the details to help us are provided on Joy's blog of this week:
The Joyful Breath & Baby Registry

as some of you know, i attained an Astral Hook Up with my Baby Girl using meditation techniques as directly Taught to me by my MahaNidraRishi. my communications opened with my daughter nearly the moment her Soul (Atman) entered the womb, approximately two weeks ago. Since then, well, i hate to tell you this, however, She is a chatterbox. She is keeping me quite busy during the "Sleep States" with revelations about Her former lives and current fears of incarnation. That is all i will tell you at this point. The rest is personal (er, actually spiritual) between Ananda and myself and our Teachers and Guides.
It is difficult to imagine a child growing up in our ever accelerating world, a world seemingly bent on destruction. Om. However, according to the Seers, the High Practitioners, and Masters very Capable, Insightful Children are incarnating right now. A phenonmenom which coincides with Scriptural Forecasts regarding Kali Yuga.

Just as a more well trained mind will reach its conclusion in a more aligned Way, so too do Children become more capable Portals of Light for all of us to learn from, grow with, and dissolve into when these Little Beings of Light know their lineage strength and love supporting their well being from a well trained Warrior Sangha.
i heap countless Dharma Blessings upon any of you who choose to help Ananda and myself through our Baby Registry and promise to share wonderful stories of your Manifested Love to our Daughter as we use your gift in our daily life in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
once again, the PathWay to help us is right here:
The Joyful Breath & Baby Registry
if you have questions or difficulties arising during the Online Registry,
dat's da Mommy's terrain, so contact Joy directly at:
May the Spiritual Law (dharma) work its Ancient and Immutable BlessingWay into your
life with each Conscious Breath, Thought, and Action...
om so ti,
your faithful Servers of Sacred Sweat and Stillness,
coach ilg and joy