Namaste Noble Warriors!
it's me, the "MultiSport Mutant" according to the June Issue of OUTSIDE Magazine...

i got ribbed pretty good yesterday by the boys in the peleton,
"Hey, ilg! Mr. Poster Boy!!! Can i get your autograph on my calf?"
"Ooooh, look out, here comes, "The Mutant!"...Here, please take this wheel, Poster Boy!"
you know...
that type of stuff.

Seriously however,
i wish to thank very deeply Venerable and long-time Online Student Dr. Anne Sasso shown above in sitting meditation) for stepping up
when i threw down a challenge for her to use her copious writing skills to get WF into major media.
So now, when you turn to page 94 of OUTSIDE, you will see me next to my lifelong hero and friend,
Ned Overend of my hometown, Durango, Colorado. This is what every athlete truly seeks, far beyond the
trophies, sponsorships, and podiums; The mutual respect among our Warrior Peers. To even be, literally, on the
same page as Ned is as deep an honor to me as is possible.
So, thank you Most Noble Student SassoSan; you honor this Temple, you honor this Path, and you honor your Teacher.
Dharma Blessings to all and to all a go(o)d multisport sweat!
i'm off to do another "Around The Peaks" ride today (see DL this past week) as my final big ride before
racing in Durango on Memorial Day Weekend. i finished 10th in the Club Ride hill sprint yesterday, so i feel my fitness SLOWLY creeping back. I'll be way off my fitness in Durango, however, it's a win/win no matter what; i will be celebrating
my 45th birthday while racing on my most Sacred stretch of land connecting Durango and Silverton among my childhood Warrior Brothers and Sisters of the San Juan!
i'll be on the bike for about 5.5 hours today, circumnavigating the Sacred Peak, so my Transmission to you today will be surely potent. the only Key that you need to feel the Transmission? you gotta merge with Love-Based fearlessness into intensity of sweat and/or stillness. if you do that, you and i will surely Dance two-get-Her!
om so ti,
coach ilg
the mountain yogi...errr, i mean, "The MultiSport Mutant"