for the Coach Ilg Downline
May, 2007
Namaste Noble Herbal Warriors!
so, four out of every ten Americans is now officially, 'on a diet.'
so, four out of every ten people you meet would be curious about experiencing for one month, my SUNRIDER Phase One, the Cell Cleansing and Bodyfat Loss phase.
or hec, just Fortune Delight and Action Caps.
or just Calli! it IS Iced Calli season, after all!
i suggest getting on it, folks.
with the rapid deterioration of our abused Mother Earth, Father Sky
our trusted food production and delivery systems are combusting.
you know DANG WELL, what is going to be the CORE NUTRIENTS of my baby daughter! SUNRIDER HERBS!!!!!!!

SUNRIDER Herbs are worth everything...that is, unless you don't like yourself or your life.
then go ahead and settle for less!
in fact, go ahead and feed your family inferior foods and beverages.
you skimp on feeding, balancing, and supporting your Cells?
you skimp on yourself.
your family too.
EVERYBODY join in:
"...if you're SKIMPY and you know it CLAP YOUR HANDS/if you're SKIMPY and you know it CLAP YOUR HANDS/if you're SKIMPY and you know it then your CELLS are SURELY SHOWIN IT...If you're SKIMPY go ahead and don't sign up!"
SUNRIDER is the most expensive herb - whole food herb - on Mother Earth precisely because it is the Purest, more Potent, and most Tested.
SUNRIDER Herbs are the contemporary manifestation of the most Ancient Master's recordings in the Jade Book.
would i have EVER steered you to ANYTHING that was NOT World Class in the first place?
would i have EVER steered you to ANYTHING that was NOT based upon Ancient Scripture?
C'mon...gimme some credit here, you know all i care about is (y)our absolutely fastest Way to Engaged Awakening in this lifetime.
So order a big, juicy supply of SUNRIDER Herbs and Skin Care products today.
Most people are go(o)d at heart. Trust in that. Look beyond their face (mask) and into their eyes (soul abode). If you do that Practice, do you know what?
Words will come easy, soft, and wise from your mouth.
You will find not a "hard sell" in front you, rather, a confused Friend just doing his or her best to get by and trying to look cool enough to be approved.
I am asking you to making sharing SUNRIDER a part of your Spiritual Practice.
They deserve to feel great, look great, and have the energy to at least go for their Highest Goals, whatever that may be for them.
So, order some extra Fortune Delight, Calli, or if you REALLY want to get their FULL ATTENTION; give them some Slim Caps in a plastic baggie. Soon, you'll be having that person, hittin' you back for more in a healthy version of that Drug Dealer Hook Up moment...

"dude, man, i need some more Slims...dang, i started poopin' like never before and i feel GREAT! so much energy coming through! i need some more Slims! C'mon, man...hook me up!!!"
Whatever it takes, start sharing with others the experience of eating the most expensive and best thing you could possibly do for your Amazing, Beautiful Self;
purification, strength, clarity, world class energy, and divine chi radiance.
uhhhh, what ELSE is better than that for yourself, your family, and All Beings Everywhere?
a Porsche?
a new Big Screen TV?
c'mon, you KNOW other people want the REAL WEALTH; HEALTH!
get somebody interested in losing fat tomorrow. Coach Ilg's Phase I Approach to Using Sunrider Herbs; Cell Cleansing and Bodyfat Loss. i will help you talk to your possible new downline, guide them through their Journey, and YOU get that precious karmic merit for truly helping someone while making your Climb Up the SUNRIDER cashback system.
enjoy SUNRIDER Chris's letter to his upline; Joy. Just one example of many that come across my desk each day from the Warriors who are Brave enough to really want to help others, and help themselves stay on the best herbs on the planet.
oh, and by the way?
Joy's and my Online Baby Registry is up on Joy's BETTA git us somethin' GO(O)D, too!?!?!?!
The JoyFul Breath
Love, Herbs, and Consistency Along The Path,
coach steve ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness® Personal Training
Lead Director/SUNRIDER International since 1983

Dear Joy,
We got the Slim Caps on Monday. Hooray! Thanks ever so much. One bottle was for Wendy and Marta, and can I say, it's already made quite a "splash"? :) I think we have a couple of Herbal Warrioresses on our hands.
Actually Wendy has introduced several of her clients to the herbs as well. One took a sip of the Fortune Delight and said "Hey! Is this Fortune Delight
Things are moving up here...helping us enjoy the stillness.
Trust all is well-vibrating beneath the Sacred Peak,
love, metta, and joy,
herbal warrior ct