Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stress Reduction: A Training Effect from WF

"Wholistic Fitness® reduces stress in our life
because we learn inner skills to adjust to 'problems' in a positive way.
What we used to see as 'problems'
become transformed into blessings; opportunities to Rise Higher!"
- steve ilg

HP Yogini Melissa Van Sant, owner of Rose Pedals in Durango, crankin' toward the summit of Jones Creek singletrack this morning; 2,375' in 4.8 miles of drop-dead beautiful singletrack to 9,580'. click to enlarge...the 'impressionist' quality of this pic is not via any PhotoShop antics; it's from my own sweat on my cell phone camera!

Melissa's daughter, Jennifer, an HP Yogini too, also cranked this run...6 months after giving birth! Jennifer knows how to suffer. She ran cross country under one of our nation's best cross-country coaches; Ron Keller of Durango.

Melissa's warrior husband, John? Yup, John's allegiance to HP Yoga is reversing all sorts of chronic pains from construction working...he cranked the "Hum SAH" HP CHI big time with us!