Monday, June 7, 2010

Postcards From Durango...water element...

click on pics to deepen the chi hits...
photos by ilg

that's Ananda...right up on the helm...typical spot for a Marine's daughter...look at that elegant, flat spine as she Meets The Dragon!...approaching the Smelter Rapids on Friday...river is running close to 5,000cfs!

...not one to be left out of ANY fun; Dewachen takes the helm of a paddleboat on Vallecito Reservoir....

...after another 'taxing' Durango weekend including my first club ride since my crash...ilg needed to unwind at Lemon Dam last evening...had the whole lake to myself and the wild from cell phone...

May your embrace of the 4 WF Lifestyle Principles dance within your engagement of the 5 Noble Fitness Disciplines this week as (y)our trek toward Wholeness
Begins Again,
and Again...

Dharma Blessings upon thy Sweat and Stillness,
your feeble teacher