Noble WF Sangha,
On behalf of Coach Ilg, I'd like to point out to existing Direct Lines subscribers that during this transition of WholisticFitness.com into a membership website, the existing WF Sangha Lounge forums are still open, and access is one of the benefits of your DL subscription (including access to all the inner kiva teachings; astonishing, inspiring, and informative posts which make for great reading and fantastic transfer into wholistic practice).
I TAF we tend to forget this, since it's been called a "DL subscription," not a membership with multiple benefits ... something we're changing within the new site (which we are working on night and day). Access to the Lounge (and Steve) is arguably an even bigger benefit than his blog posts on DL! Don't miss out by missing a weekly trip into the Lounge. Coach has taught us that, "Even a 10-minute journey through the SanghaLounge will celebrate the fact and the awe that our Precious Path of WF is so wealthy in depth, dimension, and clarity that even a 10-minute paddle through the SanghaLounge stream inevitably opens inner gateways of joy and inspiration."
Remember too that even though Coach is currently only posting new posts to this free blog, you still have access to everything he's written on Direct Lines: thousands of posts going back to 2002! (All that and more will be available on the new site.)
So, get into the SanghaLounge and if you are NOT currently a DL Subscriber, as coach has alerted you: NOW is the time to become a member, before we hit the toggle into a new membership website, and begin sealing the nation's most intelligent path of personal fitness for the truly sincere warriors of wholeness.Lots of exciting stuff on the horizon, and thanks for your Practice of Patience.
From behind the keyboard
I bow,
Mike "MahaManas" Singer
new WF Website Development
I bow,
Mike "MahaManas" Singer
new WF Website Development