i wish to take this Father's Day m(om)ent to send a Wholistic Message of Gratitude for

all Daddies Everywhere who do what it takes to Stay Fit
and Stay PUT
to Be There
for their Chi-ldren...
and Stay PUT
to Be There
for their Chi-ldren...

SPECIAL THANKS to Thomas The Train, who huffed and puffed his way to Durango from the Island of Sodor in order to give such insurmountable glee and rock-star like awe to hundreds of lucky kids like Dewa, myself, and Joy! Thomas truly imparts the values of a Wholistic Fitness Lifestyle: Fun, Focus, Perseverance, and Unity with all others in order to Be On Time, Be Prepared, and...Give 110%!
SPECIAL THANKS to Thomas The Train, who huffed and puffed his way to Durango from the Island of Sodor in order to give such insurmountable glee and rock-star like awe to hundreds of lucky kids like Dewa, myself, and Joy! Thomas truly imparts the values of a Wholistic Fitness Lifestyle: Fun, Focus, Perseverance, and Unity with all others in order to Be On Time, Be Prepared, and...Give 110%!

Silverton to swing; the 9,800' elevation makes for enhanced swinging through the thin-air!