click on pics to deepen the Chi Hit...all photos by steve ilg unless otherwise noted. please do not republish without first asking. May my effort amplify your Practice this week...
Prehistoric man journeyed through, lived within, and more than likely marveled at these captivating sand dunes which lay like a Devotee before the snowy summits of the Sangré de Christos...
Mt. Herard with the Sand Dunes in the foreground

The Jicarilla Apache still take pilgrimage to these Sacred Sands to gather and use these Sands for ceremonial and healing purposes...

So too, does ilg.

Some fitness warriors rush to doctors,
or to ibuprofen
or to Lord knows what else
when they become injured...
rushes his wrecked Body Vehicle here...
So too, should thou.
at least once...

...can there possibly exist a more fun, powerful, or pranically potent place on Turtle Island for a 2 year-old Rinpoche...

...or Her M(om)...

...or, for a feeble mountain yogi like ilg to celebrate his 48th date of current incarnation?
ilg TAF's* not.
ilg TAF's* not.

i TAF not much!

Dang this Rinpoche is getting heavy! photo by Ananda. on the hike into Zapata Falls. i couldn't fasten the hip belt due to my still raw and deeply bone-bruised right hip. Dunes and Crestone Peak in the background.

iDL Quiz:
is this a Ground Squirrel or Chipmunk or Alpine Gopher or...?
first alert Warrior to get the correct answer receives a FREE MEMBERSHIP** to my new WF website (c(om)ing soon)! a fantastic photo by Ananda near Zapata Falls!
is this a Ground Squirrel or Chipmunk or Alpine Gopher or...?
first alert Warrior to get the correct answer receives a FREE MEMBERSHIP** to my new WF website (c(om)ing soon)! a fantastic photo by Ananda near Zapata Falls!

"I should be content
to look at a mountain
for what it is
and not as a comment
on my life."
- David Ignatow
to look at a mountain
for what it is
and not as a comment
on my life."
- David Ignatow
if you respect the artistic photographic chi of these pics,
perhaps it's time to consider a
Temple Tithe
to help support
the mission of WF:
restoring Sanctity to Sweat for All...
thank you for TAF'ing with me today...
Dharma Blessings upon thy Practice,
your feeble teacher
perhaps it's time to consider a
Temple Tithe
to help support
the mission of WF:
restoring Sanctity to Sweat for All...
thank you for TAF'ing with me today...
Dharma Blessings upon thy Practice,
your feeble teacher
* TAF is a traditional WF Aphorism for: "Think And Feel"... when a WF Student says "i TAF..."
it means that he or she has not just 'thought' about something before saying, rather, he or she has run it through both sides of the brain...the Thinking Brain and the Feeling Brain...the Yin and the Yang...the analytical and the poetic...the male and female...hey, what can ilg say? WF ain't just "Kettleball training."
** or, if you are already a DL Subscriber, you receive a $15 WF Credit to use as you wish!!!