Noble WF Warrior Student Sal P of Los Angeles;
"i had my bible "total body transformation" , almost half way thru...never such a book so complete so satisfying..and so much fits to my way of living...i am talking about it everywhere..."
"i had my bible "total body transformation" , almost half way thru...never such a book so complete so satisfying..and so much fits to my way of living...i am talking about it everywhere..."
dear noble protector of dharma
just ordered Sunrider Sunpack ...
i am already experiencing the power of Ai Imawa, daily meditation and HP Yoga DVDs...keep my inner fire on all the time and peaceful. everything i do , i do more relaxed and in a more peaceful manner...
your teachings are changing my life...
...i have not eaten any poultry or meat since 3 weeks and i dont even look for it...
...i cut the coffee from 3-4 cups to barely half cup...
...my body does not tighten up as much as usual...
... i can stand with less sleep...
...i am more calm...
...all those happened within 3-4 weeks of trying to apply your teachings ; Outdoor Athlete, total body transformation book, yoga vd and ai imawa...
...and of course, the Sunrider Herbs and the MAP Aminos!
the first time in life, i feel complete now ...i feel the most lucky, healthy, richest time in life and in the world...who needs more ?
they are all part of each other...i was feeling chirunning when i was watching ai imawa...i was feeling ai imawa when i was practicing chi running..the same goes for yoga...all comes from earth to feet , from feet to center, from center to heart and hands and into air...it just flows from one end to the other..such great feeling..i wish every body was open minded and heart to feel those joys ..
it is now for me to feel all the great tools i have...i have so much to go thru but every one of them takes me to a different deep wonderful journey..i feel like Alice in wonderworld :))
may your light and breath be with you all the time coach...thank you so much for all that deep / great wisdom with us...
and a few days later...
Dear Coach,and a few days later...
i received my beautiful Blessed Mala from you...i was blown away with the smell of mala, your personal note, and beautiful pix of Gandhi, the scent and leaf...and if that was not enough, i watchedyour Agassiz DVD ...it is like "medicine" as you said...it is the best medicine; meditations, running steep trails, intervals, yoga, climbing and cooking-eating wholly food...i am loving Wholistic Fitness....
for a free soul like me, fridays were my wholistic mountain bike-run and ai imawa day...with my mala, i would take it to mountains and i was gonna do my zazen at the peak. the run is similar to your agassiz but not as hard..just as hard for my physical level.