click to enlarge the Chi Hit...taken from my cheap ass camera phone today...
A fork in the road (5)
The steep, direct Path beckons (7)
Upward and inward (5)
WF Master Student L'gate
what other ever-fresh Student Dharma resides in the amazing WF SanghaLounge?
you won't know how much inspiration and knowledge you are missing
until you keep true to the WF SanghaLounge
First another benefit of living the WF Life: chillin' beside my hood bro's; Justin and Dave last night beside Dave's new old sailboat (that's another story...not many sailboats in Durango)...after about 45 minutes of attempting to name Dave's sailboat* listening to Mother Animas rush by as the Dog Star and others began to peck their star-tling punctuations into Father Sky and watching Great Blue Herons soar downriver to bed, our ages came up in conversation. When Justin learned i would turn 48 this month, his jaw dropped, "Jesus, i figgered you were like 33!" WF, baby. The Path works, if you work the Path.

want more info?
check out the DURANGO VIBE Cave in the WF SanghaLounge coming soon on our new website! Members only...sorry...however, if you ain't willing to cough up a few pennies per month to help support the stalwart Mission of WF? you deserve to get lost...both on Telegraph Hill and in the Bardo!
coming soon; my new website;
Tribal Members will receive all sorts of rad, wholistic things to help all of us Higher...such as an entire WF-TV lounge filled with streaming videos of every conceivable aspect of Wholistic Fitness®, with naked ilg bouldering included! (CG, hey, you set the bar!)
Tribal Members will receive all sorts of rad, wholistic things to help all of us Higher...such as an entire WF-TV lounge filled with streaming videos of every conceivable aspect of Wholistic Fitness®, with naked ilg bouldering included! (CG, hey, you set the bar!)
Blessings be upon thy inner world
outer workouts...
el coache
* my suggestion which made it to Dave's short list was, "Ophir Broke" (pun on "Go For Broke"...see, Dave used to live in the nearby yet exceedingly remote (population 113) high mountain hamlet of Ophir
** hey, i am the father of a 2 year-young)